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Traveller’s Denim Fabric Band Watch by Relogio

I've always wanted one of these watches.  I usually don't want to wear watches because hey, we have phones that can tell me the time, so why do I need something uncomfortable on my wrist all day?  But why not give this one a chance?  I honestly wish I hadn't.

This specific watch from this company (here) is not worth the money.  I even received it at a discounted price... and will be asking for a refund.

The graphics on the watch are what disappointed me the most.  The picture is way blurry.  The countries are labelled, but you can't even read what they say.   It looks like someone printed the picture on printer paper and then made it the face of the watch.  Not sure I like the size of the face either, I would have preferred a smaller watch in general.

The disk that has the airplane and the words "mini world" on it is not very subtle.  I'm not sure if it is supposed to stand out like that, but I think it makes it look cheap.

The band is not too bad, I got white (which was bad judgement on my part), but it is actually kind of comfortable.  The clasp is reliable and the band is denim.

Overall give this watch a 4/10.  My boyfriend bought the same watch for me from a different website, so we'll see how much better that one is compared to this one.


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