Hey guys! As of today, I am going to start this new review blog. I have never been the one to keep up with such a commitment, so hopefully this will work! As of recently, I have begun to sign up with companies to do reviews of their products. This blog will mainly consist of reviews of products that I love and recommend! If anyone would like to know how to begin as a product reviewer, leave a comment and I'll help you through it! My first product should be arriving tomorrow, although it is also my last day at work, so it may take a few days for me to actually post my review. I hope some people are reading this at this point in time, haha. Well anyways, my first post is now d.o.n.e so see ya! ab
" Holly O Oolala Nude Self Adhesive Ultra-Lite Invisible Backless Push-up Bra" I've been scared to use this kind of bra. It sticks on you and creates rad cleavage, yes, but when it's time to take it off? No thanks, I'd rather keep my nipples. Not to mention the little tiny peach fuzz... ouch. But I have recently found Holly O. Holly O offers an affordable, good quality bra that every girl can enjoy. They offer basically any size, instead of just the medium sized girls like me. I'm not including pictures of me in it since that view is reserved to one person only, lol. But lets just say my boobs look amazing and I wasn't screaming in pain as I took it off. Included are pictures provided by amazon. This product comes in a sturdy keeper box, which is awesome because this bra is begging to be crushed in my dresser. It's easy to clean (I always thought these bras were one time use only" and easy to put on. If you are interested in th...
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